Friday, February 21, 2014

Rebecca Zook Visual Language Studio Visit

Three aspects that Texas artist Rebecca Zook consciously incorporates into her acrylic paintings. Though she portrays a variety of subjects, natural landscapes are a personal favorite. Viewers often comment that they feel as if they could step into her paintings; as if the frame were a window to another world.

“I’m drawn to Texas’ plentiful wild grasses in particular. Watching the wind weave patterns through them and the gentle swaying provide me with a much needed calm. I stand among them and am reminded of the ocean. Great waves roll across the fields. Seed heads catch the sun and glow like breaking spray. This connection with nature is something that’s been a part of me since childhood and is a subject that helps me cope with life’s challenges.” 

For Rebecca, the beauty of nature and the peace it brings offset the emotional and physical challenges of dealing with multiple chronic illnesses. A rare immune deficiency requires regular antibody infusions derived from plasma donations while secondary autoimmune conditions flare at unpredictable intervals. Because she is forced to limit her physical activities, Rebecca paints mainly from photographs that she has taken of her subject matter. 

“I have a camera with me always. You never know when the light is going to be just perfect or when you are going to happen upon a unique scene worthy of painting. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to get to my intended destination when driving because I keep seeing “paintings” along the way.”

Rebecca’s acrylic technique often involves many overlapping layers of thin washes of color. She finds this better conducive to capturing the unique qualities of light. She prefers to paint mainly smaller works 18” x 24” and under and uses gessoed masonite boards she prepares herself. Follow Rebecca on Facebook to view the in progress photos of many of her paintings. She is represented by “Dutch Art Gallery” in Dallas, Texas and “Your Private Collection Gallery” in Granbury, Texas.

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